
Con l'aiuto di we can tell,controinformazioni e controcommenti su tutto quello che passa sotto il mio naso o sotto quello di chi scrive. A cura, si fa per dire, di Sabba Coadiuvato da Multatuli . pagina letterariaAcquelibere pagina su cantelloViviamcocantello

giovedì, aprile 22, 2004


Testo in inglese per i lettori poliglotti, mi ha scritto Robert Redford... ovviamente non un messaggio personale ma attraverso la mailing list di J F K.
Lo ripubblico perchè il tema è interessante.
dal testo anche gli url dei siti della campagna Kerry 2004.
BRING HIM BACK, IN TEXAS, uno slogan che potremmo usare anche in Italia"
rimandiamolo ad Arcore...".

Dear mauro,

Today is Earth Day and I am afraid. For three decades, we have been fighting to protect the environment and have been proud of the great strides our country has taken. If George Bush is reelected we can count on the continuation of his agenda to undo all the advances we have struggled to achieve.

To put it simply, George Bush's environmental policies endanger our health, loot our natural resources, and destroy the possibility of a secure energy future. George Bush may claim his environmental policies promote "healthy forests" and "clear skies" but those labels are both disingenuous and false. Most of his initiatives are nothing more than payoffs for wealthy campaign contributors. ( guerra compresa? ndr.).

We need a President who understands that patriotism includes protecting our nation's incomparable natural wonders, not looking at them merely as oil depositories. Throughout his career John Kerry has fought to clean up toxic waste sites, to keep our air and water clean, and to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other pristine wilderness areas. John Kerry has been one of the environment's greatest defenders.

I believe John Kerry will do what the President of the United States should do, which is to genuinely lead with a new era of solutions that are good for jobs and economic growth, public health, and the environment. He deserves our support.

On behalf of our environment, this Earth Day help me make sure the next generation will not have to deal with the devastating environmental consequences of the Bush Administration -- make a contribution to John Kerry today.

To make a secure contribution to John Kerry please click here:
( i cittadini non americani non possono contribuire ndr.)

Thank you,

Robert Redford

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